Photo of Craig Colwell in a suit jacket with political message

My name is Craig Colwell and I’m seeking your vote for

Elmira City Council, District 6.

I’m an Independent candidate; not a Republican, and not a Democrat. 

Why does that matter? 

  • Because I’ll listen to your concerns and work together to find real-world solutions. 
  • Because you deserve a City Council representative who doesn’t answer to a party that’s pulling the strings. 
  • Because you deserve to live in a safe community where neighbors help each other. 
  • Because accountability and transparency matter in local government. 

It’s time for a different approach in Elmira


Wasteful spending of your tax dollars, unnecessary raises for elected officials, and increased taxes…

I’m tired of it. And I bet you are too. 

If you’d rather have just another rubber-stamper representing District 6, stick with the incumbent. 

But if you’re ready to shake things up in City Council, I’d love to have your vote on November 7th. 

Tell your neighbors! 

Have questions? Click the button below and let’s talk! 

Map of the City of Elmira's 6th Council District

You might be asking, How do I know if I’m a resident of the 6th District? This map should help. The City is broken up into 6 Districts for Council representation.

The 6th is Bordered to the North by the Chemung River and represents the Western portion of the Southside of the City, Bisected by S. Main St. to the East until it intersects with Pennsylvania Ave. City limits dictate the Southern and Western Boundaries.

The Chemung County Board of Elections can also answer any questions you may have about voting jurisdiction.